With many parents busy making last minute summer preparations and deciding where to park their minions for 6-8 hours a day, they have the added pressure of making every summer a spectacular and memorable one.

As a mother of two active minions myself, I can attest to being SWAMPED with “end of year” activities, moving up ceremonies, spring sports and the ever-active PTA making their final plea for “volunteer spots” and funds.   

When searching for a camp, parents look for many things that include having their children involved in unique activities while being well staffed and organized.  Ideally, this is a land where re-applying sunscreen and pushing hydration is the norm.

4 Ideas to Help You Fill Up Your Summer Camp

Here are four clever promotional marketing themes that you can use to break into those parents' busy schedules and remind them of the uniqueness and importance of the YMCA Camp community experience.

  1. Remind parents of the importance of enrolling in the YMCA Camp community experience, where safe environments are fostered for children to grow socially, emotionally and independently, while continuing to gain an adventurous spirit by trying new things.

  2. Promote pictures of a previous YMCA camp in action; maybe even a video on a landing page. The video can contain children and parent testimonies. We all know that parents love to hear what other parents have to say!

  3. Highlight new changes in your camp that you would like to feature or push.  Pictures can leave a lasting visual effect vs. wordage.  

  4. Consider sending a promotional marketing campaign offering a discount to repeat YMCA campers for the current or future year.

  5. And don’t forget to have a promotional marketing campaign plan in place to convert YMCA camp families into potential yearly YMCA members.     

It's Not Too Late!

It's not too late for a promotional marketing campaign to fill those seats! Direct mail, email, Facebook ads and mobile targeting can all be launched quickly and cost effectively. If you need assistance, OlleyMay Media can execute a simple, cost-effective marketing campaign that will effectively convey your message and bring more minions to your front door.

P.S. Madelyn drew the images in this blog post and said you can use them to promote your Y ;)

Madelyn and Oliver Browning ready for summer camp at the Wilton Family YMCA this summer!

Madelyn and Oliver Browning ready for summer camp at the Wilton Family YMCA this summer!

Fun postcard promotion...?
