Want better sales?

It’s all about that mix—the marketing mix. From print to email to mobile, top marketers combine channels to provide a consistent customer experience regardless of channel used. Here is some data every marketer ought to know.

58% of online shoppers browse print catalogs for ideas

25% of marketers saying direct mail or print ads are the channels most likely to be combined with email campaigns (Ascend2)

61% of marketers boosting investment in lead-nurturing mailers in 2015(Regalix)

44% of marketers citing multichannel as an essential skill for marketers(Econsultancy)

45% of marketers are increasing mobile spending this year (Target Marketing)

7.6% Average response rate for print + email campaigns

6.0% Average response rate for print-only campaigns (InfoTrends)

+1.2 billion Increase in spending on U.S. direct mail marketing in 2015(Winterberry Group)

42% of brand research conducted on phones and tablets

56% of consumers who read the postcards that come in the mail (Direct Marketing Association)

Integrating Multichannels: Percent of marketers integrating multiple channels into their campaigns in 2014:
38% — Three channels
29% — Four channels
(Experian Marketing Services)

Prioritizing Multichannels – Percent of chief marketing officers who prioritize the multichannel experience:
71% — high-growth companies
41% — low-growth companies

There are lots of channels out there. Use the right combinations and make them work for you!
